Simon Telen
Max Planck research group leader
I lead the Numerical Algebraic Geometry research group at the Max Planck institute for Mathematics in the Sciences in Leipzig.
I am the diversity officer of the European Mathematical Society Young Academy.
I am the scientific representative of our Max Planck Institute in the Chemistry, Physics and Technology Section of the Max Planck Society.
As of January 13, 2025, this website is no longer updated. My homepage moved HERE
Research Interests
My research is in computational algebraic geometry, with an emphasis on the use and development of numerical tools. My group works on the solution of systems of polynomial equations and related problems, such as tensor decomposition and algebraic optimization. Recently, there is some focus on computing discriminants, Euler/Feynman integrals, and likelihood geometry.
Recent preprints
- Logarithmic Discriminants of Hyperplane Arrangements, with Leonie Kayser and Andreas Kretschmer
- Proudfoot-Speyer Degenerations of Scattering Equations with Barbara Betti and Viktoriia Borovik
- Euler Stratifications of Hypersurface Families, with Maximilian Wiesmann
- Santaló Geometry of Convex Polytopes, with Dmitrii Pavlov (accepted for publication in SIAM Journal of Applied Algebra and Geometry)
- Adjoints and Canonical Forms of Tree Amplituhedra, with Kristian Ranestad and Rainer Sinn (accepted for publication in Mathematica Scandinavica)
- Chebyshev Varieties, with Zaïneb Bel-Afia and Chiara Meroni
- Dmitrii Pavlov successfully defended his PhD thesis, and started as a postdoc in my group.
- Barbara Betti won the Gustavo Mezzetti prize for her master's thesis: take a look here.
- Kemal Rose successfully defended his PhD thesis, and moved on to KTH, Stockholm. Article
- Principal Landau Determinants in Physical Review Letters. Article
- Our institute represented in EMYA: welcome Irina Bobrova and Anna-Laura Sattelberger. Article
Upcoming Conferences & Workshops
Numerical (Nonlinear) Algebra in the Real World, MPI-CBG / CSBD Dresden, Feb 3 - 6