Preprints and journal articles
A list of my publications and preprints can be downloaded here (last updated: January 3, 2025):
Selected preprints (see also arXiv)
- Logarithmic Discriminants of Hyperplane Arrangements, with Leonie Kayser and Andreas Kretschmer
- Proudfoot-Speyer Degenerations of Scattering Equations, with Barbara Betti and Viktoriia Borovik
- Euler Stratifications of Hypersurface Families, with Maximilian Wiesmann
- Santaló Geometry of Convex Polytopes, with Dmitrii Pavlov (accepted for publication in SIAM Journal of Applied Algebra and Geometry)
- Adjoints and Canonical Forms of Tree Amplituhedra, with Kristian Ranestad and Rainer Sinn (accepted for publication in Mathematica Scandinavica)
- Chebyshev Varieties, with Zaïneb Bel-Afia and Chiara Meroni
- Hilbert Functions of Chopped Ideals, with Fulvio Gesmundo and Leonie Kayser. (accepted for publication in Journal of Algebra)
- Tropical Implicitization Revisited, with Kemal Rose and Bernd Sturmfels.
- Twisted Cohomology and Likelihood Ideals, with Saiei-Jaeyeong Matsubara-Heo. (accepted for publication in Advances in Applied Mathematics)
- The Algebraic Degree of Coupled Oscillators, with Paul Breiding, Mateusz Michalek and Leonid Monin.
- Introduction to Toric Geometry
- Adjoints and Canonical Forms of Polypols, with Kathlén Kohn, Ragni Piene, Kristian Ranestad, Felix Rydell, Boris Shapiro, Rainer Sinn, Miruna-Stefana Sorea. (accepted for publication in Documenta Mathematica)
- Yet another Eigenvalue Algorithm for Solving Polynomial Systems, with Matías R. Bender.
Journal articles
- Daniele Agostini, Claudia Fevola, Anna-Laura Sattelberger, and Simon Telen. "Vector spaces of generalized Euler integrals". In: Communications in Number Theory and Physics 18.2 (2024), pp. 327–370. DOI: 10.4310/CNTP.2024.v18.n2.a2
- Claudia Fevola, Sebastian Mizera, and Simon Telen. "Principal Landau determinants". In: Computer Physics Communications 303 (2024), p. 109278. ISSN: 0010-4655. DOI: 10.1016/j.cpc.2024.109278
- Barbara Betti, Marta Panizzut, and Simon Telen. "Solving equations using Khovanskii bases". In: Journal of Symbolic Computation 126 (2025), p. 102340. ISSN: 0747-7171. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsc.2024.102340
- Claudia Fevola, Sebastian Mizera, and Simon Telen. "Landau Singularities Revisited: Computational Algebraic Geometry for Feynman Integrals". In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 132 (10 Mar. 2024), p. 101601. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.101601
- Saiei-Jaeyeong Matsubara-Heo, Sebastian Mizera, and Simon Telen. "Four lectures on Euler integrals". In: SciPost Phys. Lect. Notes (2023), p. 75. DOI: 10.21468/SciPostPhysLectNotes.75
- Rob Claes, Karl Meerbergen, and Simon Telen. "Contour Integration for Eigenvector Nonlinearities". In: SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 44.4 (2023), pp. 1619–1644. DOI: 10.1137/22M1497985
- Dmitrii Pavlov, Bernd Sturmfels, and Simon Telen. "Gibbs manifolds". In: Information Geometry (2023). DOI: 10.1007/s41884-023-00111-2
- Timothy Duff, Simon Telen, Elise Walker, and Thomas Yahl. "Polyhedral homotopies in Cox coordinates". In: Journal of Algebra and Its Applications (2023), p. 2450073. DOI: 10.1142/S0219498824500737
- Bernd Sturmfels, Simon Telen, François-Xavier Vialard, and Max von Renesse. "Toric geometry of entropic regularization". In: Journal of Symbolic Computation 120 (2024), p. 102221. ISSN: 0747-7171. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsc.2023.102221
- Daniele Agostini, Taylor Brysiewicz, Claudia Fevola, Lukas Kühne, Bernd Sturmfels, Simon Telen, and Thomas Lam. "Likelihood degenerations". In: Advances in Mathematics 414 (2023), p. 108863. ISSN: 0001-8708. DOI: 10.1016/j.aim.2023.108863
- Michael Borinsky, Anna-Laura Sattelberger, Bernd Sturmfels, and Simon Telen. "Bayesian Integrals on Toric Varieties". In: SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry 7.1 (2023), pp. 77–103. DOI: 10.1137/22M1490569
- Simon Telen and Nick Vannieuwenhoven. "A Normal Form Algorithm for Tensor Rank Decomposition". In: ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 48.4 (Dec. 2022). ISSN: 0098-3500. DOI: 10.1145/3555369
- Sebastian Mizera and Simon Telen. "Landau discriminants". In: Journal of High Energy Physics 2022.8 (2022), pp. 1–57. DOI: 10.1007/JHEP08(2022)200
- Matías R. Bender and Simon Telen. "Toric eigenvalue methods for solving sparse polynomial systems". In: Mathematics of Computation 91.337 (2022), pp. 2397–2429. DOI: 10.1090/mcom/3744
- Bernd Sturmfels and Simon Telen. "Likelihood equations and scattering amplitudes". In: Algebraic Statistics 12.2 (2021), pp. 167–186. DOI: 10.2140/astat.2021.12.167
- Simon Telen, Marc Van Barel, and Jan Verschelde. "A Robust Numerical Path Tracking Algorithm for Polynomial Homotopy Continuation". In: SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 42.6 (2020), A3610–A3637. DOI: 10.1137/19M1288036
- Simon Telen, Sascha Timme, and Marc Van Barel. "Backward error measures for roots of polynomials". In: Numerical Algorithms 87.1 (2021), pp. 19–39. DOI: 10.1007/s11075-020-00956-z
- Simon Telen. "Numerical root finding via Cox rings". In: Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 224.9 (2020), p. 106367. ISSN: 0022-4049. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpaa.2020.106367
- Bernard Mourrain, Simon Telen, and Marc Van Barel. "Truncated normal forms for solving polynomial systems: Generalized and efficient algorithms". In: Journal of Symbolic Computation 102 (2021), pp. 63–85. ISSN: 0747-7171. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsc.2019.10.009
- Simon Telen, Bernard Mourrain, and Marc Van Barel. "Solving Polynomial Systems via Truncated Normal Forms". In: SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 39.3 (2018), pp. 1421–1447. DOI: 10.1137/17M1162433
- Simon Telen and Marc Van Barel. "A stabilized normal form algorithm for generic systems of polynomial equations". In: Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 342 (2018), pp. 119–132. ISSN: 0377-0427. DOI: 10.1016/
Presentations (last updated: December 17, 2024)
- Landau Analysis and Euler Stratifications, December 2024, Positive geometry seminar online
- Adjoints and canonical differential forms, November 2024, Combinatorics of Fundamental Physics, IAS Princeton
- Adjoints and canonical differential forms, November 2024, Algebraic geometry and moduli seminar, ETH Zürich
- Euler stratifications of hypersurface families, October 2024, Applied CATS seminar, KTH Stockholm
- Euler stratifications of hypersurface families, September 2024, Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier
- Primer on semidefinite programming, August 2024, kick-off meeting for the ERC project UNIVERSE+, Bad Honnef
- Discriminants in the sciences, June 2024, Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board, MPI MiS
- Chebyshev varieties, June 2024, Mathematics of Data Science, MPI MiS Leipzig
- Chebyshev varieties, May 2024, Back to the Roots seminar, KU Leuven
- Introduction to positive geometry, May 2024, Positive Solutions of Polynomial Systems Arising from Real-life Application, University of Granada
- Euler discriminants in physics and statistics, New Frontiers in Landau Analysis, The Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics, Edinburgh
- Euler discriminants in physics and statistics, Methusalem colloquium, KU Leuven
- Santaló geometry of convex polytopes, January 2024, workshop on applied and computational algebraic geometry, ISAAC Newton Institute for mathematical sciences, Cambridge
- Computational algebraic geometry for Landau analysis, January 2024, Motives and period integrals in quantum field theory and string theory, University of Oxford
- Tensors, polynomials and applications, November 2023, Chemnitz Mathematical Colloquium, TU Chemnitz
- Twisted cohomology and likelihood ideals, November 2023, Forschungsseminar Algebra und Theoretische Mathematik, TU Chemnitz
- Tensors, polynomials and applications, November 2023, Tensor day, Università degli studi di Trento
- Chebyshev varieties, October 2023, Seminar Algebra-Geometrie-Kombinatorik, TU Dresden
- Principal Landau Determinants, October 2023, Tropical geometry and infrared divergences, IAS Princeton
- Principal Landau Determinants, September 2023, MathemAmplitudes, Universitá di Padova
- Chebyshev varieties, September 2023, Workshop on Computational and Applied Mathematics, on the occasion of Marc Van Barel's retirement, Selva di Fasano
- Twisted cohomology and likelihood ideals, August 2023, ICIAM, Waseda University, Tokyo
- Structured root finding via eigenvalues: beyond toric varieties, August 2023, workshop on hypergeometric functions, Kobe University
- Structured root finding via eigenvalues: beyond toric varieties, July 2023, SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry, TU Eindhoven
- Hilbert functions in computational algebraic geometry, May 2023, Research Seminar Algebra, Friedrich-Schiller Universität, Jena
- Toric varieties and Gibbs manifolds in convex optimization, May 2023, Algebraic statistics seminar, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig
- Hilbert functions in computational algebraic geometry, April 2023, Dresden-Leipzig seminar Algebra and Geometry, University of Leipzig
- Toric varieties and Gibbs manifolds in convex optimization, March 2023, MATHEXP-PolSys seminar, Sorbonne Université, Paris
- Twisted cohomology and likelihood ideals, February 2023, guest lecture in Melody Chan's group meeting, Brown University
- Twisted cohomology and likelihood ideals, February 2023, Amplitudes Group Meeting, IAS Princeton
- Toric varieties and Gibbs manifolds in convex optimization, February 2023, Applied CATS seminar (online), KTH Stockholm
- Amplituhedra of lines in three-space, January 2023, Mini-Workshop on Positive Geometry, TU Munich
- Vector spaces of generalized Euler integrals, January 2023, Joint Mathematics Meetings, Boston
- Numerical nonlinear algebra in particle physics, November 2022, DIAMANT symposium, Leiden
- Complexity of tensor decomposition and Hilbert functions, November 2022, AGATES Algebraic Geometry and Complexity Theory, IMPAN, Warsaw
- Toric geometry of entropic regularization, November 2022, Oberseminar Algebra, Osnabrück
- Toric geometry of entropic regularization, October 2022, N&O seminar, CWI Amsterdam
- Solving polynomial equations and applications, October 2022, Workshop on Solving Polynomial Equations and Applications, CWI Amsterdam
- Generalized Euler integrals: (co)homology and tropical numerics, September 2022, ETH ITS Zürich
- Toric geometry of entropic regularization, July 2022, CTU Prague
- Toric geometry of entropic regularization, June 2022, MEGA 22 conference, Krakow
- Toric geometry of entropic regularization, May 2022, applied analysis seminar, MPI MiS Leipzig
- Landau discriminants, April 2022, Nonlinear algebra and combinatorics from physics, Harvard, Boston
- Bayesian integrals on toric varieties, April 2022, Mini-workshop on algebraic statistics, Harvard, Boston
- Landau discriminants, April 2022, ETH ITS Zürich
- Tropical integration in physics and statistics, April 2022, MPI MiS Leipzig
- Discriminants from particle physics, April 2022, Nonlinear algebra day, RWTH Aachen
- Numerical nonlinear algebra in particle physics, February 2022, Nonlinear algebra seminar online
- Likelihood equations and scattering amplitudes, February 2022, UC Riverside Algebraic Geometry Seminar (online)
- Toric techniques for solving sparse polynomial equations, February 2022, KU Leuven, Leuven
- Polyhedral homotopies in Cox coordinates, January 2022, RSME, Ciudad Real
- Landau Discriminants, November 2021, IAS Princeton
- Adjoints and Canonical Forms of Polypols, September 2021, Nonlinear Algebra Seminar, MPI MiS Leipzig
- A normal form method for numerical tensor rank decomposition, August 2021, SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry, Texas A&M (online)
- Likelihood Equations and Positive Geometries, July 2021, Math of Data workshop, MPI MiS Leipzig
- A normal form method for numerical tensor rank decomposition, May 2021, Applied Algebra and Analysis Online Seminar
- Likelihood Equations and Scattering Amplitudes, May 2021, Seminar Diskrete Mathematik & Diskrete Geometrie
- Likelihood Equations and Scattering Amplitudes, April 2021, HEP seminars at Southampton
- Eigenvalue methods for solving polynomial systems, March 2021, N&O Seminar, CWI, Amsterdam
- Likelihood Equations and Scattering Amplitudes, March 2021, Algebraic Statistics Online Seminar
- Likelihood Equations and Scattering Amplitudes, February 2021, Geomplitudes, online meeting organized by UC Davis
- Cox homotopies: tracking homogeneous coordinates on toric varieties, January 2021, Joint Mathematics Meetings
- Polyhedral Homotopies in Cox Coordinates, November 2020, Nonlinear Algebra Seminar Online
- Solving Polynomial Systems via Truncated Normal Forms, October 2020, NumPi Seminar, Pisa
- Numerical Root Finding via Cox Rings, February 2020, Milestone conference of the thematic Einstein semester 'Algebraic Geometry', Berlin
- Numerical Root Finding via Cox Rings, January 2020, Forschungsseminar Diskrete Mathematik/Geometrie, TU Berlin
- Truncated Normal Forms, December 2019, Algorithmic Algebra Seminar, TU Berlin
- Numerical Root Finding via Cox Rings, November 2019, Seminar Algebraische Geometrie, FU Berlin
- Robust Numerical Path Tracking in Polynomial Homotopies, July 2019, ICIAM conference, Valencia
- Solving nonlinear eigenvalue problems using contour integration, July 2019, ICIAM conference, Valencia
- Numerical Root Finding via Cox Rings, July 2019, SIAM AG19, Bern
- Robust Numerical Path Tracking in Polynomial Homotopies, April 2019, NUMA seminar, Department of Computer Science, KU Leuven
- Stabilized Algebraic Methods for Multivariate Polynomial Root Finding, March 2019, CIIRC Prague
- Stabilized Algebraic Methods for Multivariate Polynomial Root Finding, December 2018, MPI MiS Leipzig
- Structured Matrices in Polynomial System Solving, May 2018, SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra (SIAM-ALA18), Hong Kong
- Polynomial System Solving through Stabilized Representation of Quotient Algebras, April 2018, BYU, Provo
- Polynomial System Solving and Numerical Linear Algebra, July 2017, SIAM AG17, Georgia Tech, Atlanta
- Matrices in polynomial system solving, May 2017, Rencontre en Algèbre Linéaire Numérique Amiens-Calais, Amiens
- Systems of Polynomial Equations and Numerical Linear Algebra, May 2017, NUMA seminar, KU Leuven
- Solving Systems of Polynomial Equations, July 2016, International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS) conference, Leuven
- Telen S., Numerical Root Finding via Cox Rings. Presented at the opening conference of the thematic Einstein semester `Algebraic Geometry' at FU Berlin, Oct 2019.
- Telen S., Van Barel M., Verschelde J., Robust Numerical Path Tracking for Polynomial Homotopies. Presented at the 2019 MEGA conference in Madrid, 17-21 Jun 2019.
- Telen S., Numerical Root Finding via Cox Rings. Presented at the conference `Ideals, Varieties and Applications' (celebrating the influence of David Cox), Jun 2019.
- Telen S., Mourrain B., Van Barel M., Truncated Normal Forms for Solving Polynomial Systems. Presented at the ICERM nonlinear algebra semester, Sep 2018.
- Telen S., Mourrain B., Van Barel M., Truncated Normal Forms for Solving Polynomial Systems. Presented at the ISSAC 2018 conference in New York, 16-19 Jul 2018.
- Telen S., Mourrain B., Van Barel M., Truncated Normal Forms for Solving Polynomial Systems. Presented at the 2018 CBMS conference on Applications of Polynomial Systems at TCU, Texas, 4-8 Jun 2018.
Master's Thesis
I wrote my master's thesis under the supervision of my PhD advisor Marc Van Barel. It is entitled `Solving Systems of Polynomial Equations' and can be found here.
PhD Thesis
I wrote my PhD thesis under the supervision of Marc Van Barel. It is entitled 'Solving Systems of Polynomial Equations'. Take a look: